Gianni Colosimo and Fabrizio Varesco, Fino all’ultimo respiro (At breath's end)
public meeting with video-projections
Ravenna, 8 May 2011, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
asprakounelia (Treno Fantasma - Ghost Train) by ErosAntEros
Ravenna, 25 March 2011, Ardis Hall, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro
avventure nella musica contemporanea (adventures in contemporary music)
with ZU, MOMBU (with Luca Mai/ZU), ALOS?, SYBIANN
Ravenna, 17 March 2011, Artificerie Almagià, Bronson Produzioni
residence of the French company Pardès rimonim
Ravenna, 21 February - 3 March 2011 (public presentation on 3 March), Ardis Hall, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of ErosAntEros
TE.ALFAVITA-B (eterodirezione) (other-directedness)
workshop for actors and dramaturgists held by Chiara Lagani
Roma, 6, 7, 8 February 2011, Angelo Mai - Altrove, Angelo Mai
31.12.2010 Artificerie Almagià
h. 20,30 New Year's Eve dinner
by Pierpaolo Spadoni
h. 01,00 dj set ICS, ErosAntEros, Dust and visual live set N.E.O. Project
Ravenna, 31 December 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Fanny & Alexander
presentation of the book Un Colpo (Angelo Longo Editore)
drawings and words from the theatre by Fanny & Alexander, Motus, Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Teatrino Clandestino
by Altre Velocità
presentation of the book O/Z - Atlas of a theatre journey (Ubulibri)
Bologna, 4 December 2010, MAMbo- Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
presentation of the book O/Z - Atlas of a theatre journey (Ubulibri)
Milano, 15 November 2010, 10_11 Dentro un grande rumore, Teatro i
presentation of the book Un Colpo (Angelo Longo Editore)
drawings and words from the theatre by Fanny & Alexander, Motus, Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Teatrino Clandestino
by Altre Velocità
Ravenna, 5 November 2010, Ardis Hall, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro
presentation of the book O/Z - Atlas of a theatre journey (Ubulibri)
Ravenna, 29 October 2010, Ardis Hall, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro
presentation of the book O/Z - Atlas of a theatre journey (Ubulibri)
Ancona, 26 October 2010, Mole Vanvitelliana, Gioventù Bruciata, Teatro Stabile delle Marche, AMAT - Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali
WARB. ALFAVITA - A (immagine/fantasma) (image/ghost)
workshop for actors and dramaturgists held by Chiara Lagani and Marco Cavalcoli
The work will be carried out starting from the idea of the image's persistence and returning in time: on the necessity for actors and dramaturgists to reactivate and reorganize on a mythical level the images which they find themselves to face; on the "atlas method" as a possible model for a method of composition and creation.
Starting from some simple starting prescriptions, the participants will be invited to experiment with some of these matters in the direct practice of the artistic gesture's production.
Stockholm (Sweden), 17, 18, 19 October 2010, Teaterhögskolan, Perfect Performance
presentation of the book O/Z - Atlas of a theatre journey (Ubulibri)
Stockholm (Sweden), 17 October 2010, Moderna Dansteater, Perfect Performance
presentation of the book Un Colpo (Angelo Longo Editore)
drawings and words from the theatre by Fanny & Alexander, Motus, Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Teatrino Clandestino
by Altre Velocità
Modena, 14 October 2010, Biblioteca Delfini, VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival, Emilia Romagna Teatro
Harry Merry in concert
weird-pop live from Rotterdam (NL)
later on: dj set by Trinity and Dust
Ravenna, 9 October 2010, Notte d'Oro Ravenna, Artificerie Almagià, Fanny & Alexander
H. Alfavita #2 - Immagini della realtà (Atlante)
held by Chiara Lagani, Marco Cavalcoli, Luigi de Angelis (F&A), Nicola Fagnani (Opera Ovunque)
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
Santarcangelo di Romagna (Rimini), 9 - 11 and 15 - 18 July 2010, Santarcangelo 40, Fanny & Alexander
imeeting with Fanny & Alexander
Torino, 8 June 2010, Teatro Gobetti, Dalla scena alla pagina: vite e percorsi teatrali (a cura di Sergio Ariotti e Ave Fontana), Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Lo stato artistico del suono (The state of the art of sound)
workshop for actors and singers
held by Roberta Guidi
with the participation of Chiara Lagani (F&A), Fiorenza Menni (Teatrino Clandestino), Ermanna Montanari (Teatro delle Albe)
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna and Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili
Ravenna, 28, 29, 30 May 2010, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Fanny & Alexander
Ravenna viso-in-aria
ideation and organization Ravenna Teatro with Fanny & Alexander, with the cooperation of Associazione Cantieri
Like a town exploding with theatre, in three days Ravenna presents the moltitude of groups and individual artists of the contemporary scene who have growed up here for several generations. A constellation of small and big sets in several venues in the centre and the outskirts of town.
Ravenna, Ravenna viso-in-aria, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, 20, 21, 22, 23 May 2010
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Marco Martinelli (Teatro delle Albe), Emanuele Valenti (Punta Corsara) and a recorded interview with Goffredo Fofi, held by Lorenzo Donati (h. 22,30)
live music by The Clever Square
Fatto di cronaca di Raffaele Viviani a Scampia by Punta Corsara - Fondazione Campania dei Festival, with the collaboration of Teatro Stabile di Napoli (h. 21)
Ravenna, 29 April 2010, Teatro Rasi, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
Cock-Crow by Zapruder Filmmakersgroup (h. 21)
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Zapruder Filmmakersgroup and Paolo De Gasperis, held by Lorenzo Donati (h. 22)
live music by Francesco Fuzz Brasini
Ravenna, 9 April 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
io mento by Kinkaleri (h. 20)
Emerald City (h. 21)
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Fanny & Alexander, Kinkaleri, Rodolfo Sacchettini e Teatro Sotterraneo, held by Lorenzo Donati (h. 22,30)
live music by The Unexpected
Ravenna, 17 March 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
I am that am I (identità plurali e incerte) (plural and uncertain identities)
lecture by Kinkaleri, with the participation of Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Ravenna, 17 March 2010, Accademia di Belle Arti di Ravenna
Io mento by Kinkaleri
Ravenna, 16 March 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Fanny & Alexander
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
Crac by Motus (h. 21)
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Motus, Rodolfo Sacchettini and Walter Siti, held by Lorenzo Donati (h. 22)
live music by Il Lato Oscuro della Costa
Dj-set by Silvia Calderoni (h. 23)
Ravenna, 12 March 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
TOO LATE! (antigone) contest #2 by Motus
Ravenna, 10, 11 March 2010, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Fanny & Alexander
meeting with Fanny & Alexander, with the participation of Marco Cavalcoli and Valentina Ciampi
Pescara, 6 March 2010, Florian Espace, Teatro Contemporaneo 09-010, Florian - Teatro Stabile di Innovazione
Ravenna viso-in-aria/visionaria
lecture by
Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Ravenna, 23 February 2010, Accademia di Belle Arti di Ravenna
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Franco Quadri, held by Lorenzo Donati (h. 20)
live music by Rigolò
later on:
Invisibilmente by Meno Venti (h. 21)
Malacorte by ZOEteatro (h. 22,30)
Ravenna, 12 February 2010, Teatro Rasi, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
presentation of the book Il Corpo del Capo (Guanda) by Marco Belpoliti
with interventions by the author, Chiara Lagani (F&A) and Serena Simoni (historian of art)
Ravenna, 4 February 2010, Teatro Rasi, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro
meeting with Fanny & Alexander
with the coordination of Leonardo Mello, with the participation of Rodolfo Sacchettini (Altre Velocità)
Venezia, 1 February 2010, Teatro Universitario Giovanni Poli, Declinazioni - Rassegna di Opere e Autori, Fondazione di Venezia, Esperienze - Giovani a Teatro
H. Alfavita#1 (Immagini della realtà) (The images of reality) - Wastelands
workshop for active witnesses and actors by Motus
held by Daniela Nicolò, Enrico Casagrande and Silvia Calderoni
with the participation of Chiara Lagani (F&A) and Rodolfo Sacchettini (Altre Velocità)
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna and Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili
Ravenna, 29, 30, 31 January 2010, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Fanny & Alexander
RADIO ZOLFO (Sulfur Radio)
Nobotalk by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Debora Pietrobono, Armando Punzo, Davide Reviati, held by Lorenzo Donati
Ravenna, 15 January 2010, Teatro Rasi, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
31 - 12 - 2009
h. 20,30 New Year's Eve dinner
by Pierpaolo Spadoni
h. 01,00 DJ Set by D.A.R.I.O., Dust and VoidCascade
Video-projections by ZAPRUDERFilmmakersgroup
Ravenna, 31 December 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Fanny & Alexander
Dialogo sul collezionismo (Dialogue on collecting)
public meeting with Lucia Amara (theatre scholar), Daniel Blanga Gubbay (pathosformel), Flavio De Marco (visual artist), Elio Grazioli (art critic), Elisabetta Gulli Grigioni (cordiologist), Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander), Beatrice Pasquali (visual artist), Serena Terranova (Altre Velocità, Paola Villani (pathosformel)
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna and Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili
Ravenna, 21 November 2009, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Fanny & Alexander
LA COLLEZIONE (the collection)
a workshop on gesture by pathosformel
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna and Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili
Ravenna, 20, 21, 22 November 2009, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Fanny & Alexander
H. ALFAVITA (Immagini della realtà)
workshop for active witnesses and actors
by Fanny & Alexander and Altre Velocità
in collaboration with Teatrino Clandestino and Suole di Vento
held by Lorenzo Donati and Chiara Lagani with Fiorenza Menni
Mondaino (Rimini), 6, 7, 8 November 2009, Teatro Dimora, l'arboreto
dj set by Dust (F&A), D.A.R.I.O. and Dr KIKO (ATP, Primavera Sound)
Ravenna, 11 October 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Notte d'Oro, Nobodaddy 2009/2010, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro
Prima e dopo SOUTH - NORTH (Before and after SOUTH - NORTH)
public seminar
with the participation of Fanny & Alexander, Rodolfo Sacchettini (critic and theatre scholar, Altre Velocità), Caterina Marrone (language philosopher), Simone Caputo (critic and musicologist), Lorenzo Donati (critic and collaborator of Fanny & Alexander, Altre Velocità)
Ferrara, 24 September 2009, Teatro Comunale di Ferrara
Rumori fuori scena, with Laura Palmieri
with the participation of Mirto Baliani, Luigi de Angelis, Chiara Lagani (F&A)
RAI Radio Tre, 22 September 2009
presentation of the book Spunti per una rivoluzione - Nuove voci dal mondo della cultura (ed. FrancoAngeli), edited by Sara Bonini Baraldi, with an essay by Marco Cavalcoli (F&A)
Torino, 18 September 2009, Sermig - Arsenale della Pace
Prima di SOUTH - NORTH (Before SOUTH - NORTH)
around the Oz Project by Fanny & Alexander
meeting coordinated by Lorenzo Donati (theatre critic, Altre Velocità), with the participation of Fanny & Alexander
Ferrara, 17 September 2009, zuni
LA LINGUA CHE CⒶMMINA - Anarchia è ordine nel linguaggio secondo Him (The language that walks/makes provisions- Anarchy is order in the language according to Him)
meeting with Chiara Lagani (F&A) and Stefano Bartezzaghi
afterwards, dj set by Marco Molduzzi (F&A)
Cesena (Forlì-Cesena), 25 June 2009, Rocca Malatestiana, pa[ ]saggio, Itinerario Stabile 09
meeting with the company L'Orpheline est une épine dans le pied (Les Bancs Publics, Marseille)
a day dedicated to intercultural mediation "Ariadne's thread of relations"
Ravenna, 5 June 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna e Rappresentanza dei cittadini Extra-EU, Festival delle Culture, Fanny & Alexander
Oui ou non, avons-nous traversé la mer
theatre show by the company L'Orpheline est une épine dans le pied (Les Bancs Publics, Marsiglia)
Ravenna, 4 June 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna e Rappresentanza dei cittadini Extra-EU, Festival delle Culture, Fanny & Alexander
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
h. 21: Radio Zolfo: Esercizi di ammirazione (Sulfur Radio: Exercises of admiration), with the cooperation of Altre Velocità. Talk radio held by Lorenzo Donati with Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Paola Villani, Simone Caputo
h. 22,30: Pathosformel, Concert for Harmonium and city, with Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Paola Villani and with Lorenzo Senni
later on DJ set: Nada, D.A.R.I.O.
video-projections by Pathosformel
Ravenna, 1 May 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, Fanny & Alexander
Radio Zolfo (Sulfur Radio)
Talk Radio by Altre Velocità, with the participation of Fanny & Alexander
The group Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander propose to the audience of Teatro San Martino a critical discussion on some themes starting from Him, the show scheduled on the very same day
Bologna, 25 April 2009, Teatro San Martino, Libero Fortebraccio Teatro
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
h. 21: Radio Zolfo: Esercizi di ammirazione (Sulfur Radio: Exercises of admiration), with the cooperation of Altre Velocità. Talk radio held by Lorenzo Donati with Monica Manca, Fiorenza Menni, Andrea Mochi Sismondi (Teatrino Clandestino) and with Nicola Ruganti
h. 22,30: Concert by Nextime Ensemble, director Danilo Grassi and Mirto Baliani. Music by Reich, Xenakis, Baliani
later on i.a.m.o.s., Teatrino Clandestino's application concert by Bastard, with Pietro Babina and Alberto Fiori
Ravenna, 10 April 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, Fanny & Alexander
Candide (o il Bastardo)
Teatrino Clandestino
21 March: in the role of Sig. Pococurante, Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Bologna, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 March 2009, Arena del Sole
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
with the cooperation of NOBODADDY - Ravenna Teatro
h. 23: DJ set with Mirto Baliani, Black Fanfare, Nada (Lato Oscuro della Costa)
Ravenna, 13 March 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, Fanny & Alexander
presentation of Fanny & Alexander's book There's no place like home (publishing house Il Vicolo, 2009)
Lorenzo Donati (theatre critic, Altre Velocità and Hystrio) meets Marisa Zattini (publisher, Il Vicolo)
Serena Terranova (theatre critic, Altre Velocità and Hystrio) meets Monica Bolzoni (fashion designer, Bianca e Blu Monica Bolzoni Moda Designer)
Rodolfo Sacchettini (theatre critic, Altre Velocità and Lo Straniero) meets Lorenzo Donati (theatre critic, Altre Velocità and Hystrio)
Sarsina (Forlì - Cesena), 8 March 2009, Il Diavolo e l'AcquaSanta - Tarocchi fantastici, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Sarsina
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
h. 21: Radio Zolfo: Esercizi di ammirazione (Sulfur Radio: Exercises of admiration), with the cooperation of Altre Velocità. Talk radio held by Lorenzo Donati with Monica Francia, Zoe Francia Lamattina, Lucia Oliva
h. 22,30: AYE by Davide Savorani + Black Fanfare + Mara Cassiani
later on DJ set with Black Fanfare, Davide Sacco, Dust
video-projections: Tribute to Paradjanov by Gerardo Lamattina
Ravenna, 6 March 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, Fanny & Alexander
Natura morta con autore (still life with author) - a project by Flavio de Marco
meeting with Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Bologna, 21 February 2009, Sì, Teatrino Clandestino
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
h. 21: Radio Zolfo: Esercizi di ammirazione (Sulfur Radio: Exercises of admiration), with the cooperation of Altre Velocità. Talk radio held by Lorenzo Donati with Massimo Conti (Kinkaleri) and Rodolfo Sacchettini
h. 22,30: Sevenguitars by Francesco Fuzz Brasini
later on DJ sets by Mirto Baliani, Hotel Nuclear
video-projections: Abat-Jour by Zapruder
Ravenna, 20 February 2009, Artificerie Almagià, Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, Fanny & Alexander
presentation of "Teatrino Clandestino: Progetto Milgram"
Starting from the figure of Stanley Milgram, Teatrino Clandestino: Progetto Milgram (book+dvd Liguori) carries out a journey into human relationships.
The author and editor of the book, Adriano Zamperini meets Jonny Costantino, Chiara Lagani (F&A), Pietro Babina and Fiorenza Menni. With an intervention by Simona Lembi.
Bologna, 18 February 2009, Feltrinelli International, Teatrino Clandestino
workshop for actors and musicians held by Chiara Lagani (F&A) and Fiorenza Menni (Teatrino Clandestino), with the cooperation of Mirto Baliani
Firenze, 13, 14, 15 February 2009, Teatri Possibili Firenze
Le piccole apocalissi di Tommaso Landolfi (the small apocalypses of Tommaso Landolfi)
meeting with Rodolfo Sacchettini (Altre Velocità)
Cascina (Pisa), 29 January 2009, Scenari di regia contemporanea, lacittàdelteatro - Teatro Politeama
BREVI INTERVENTI (brief interventions)
on graphics, design, literature and other
by La Triennale di Milano
on the occasion of the publication of the books Il tramezzino del dinosauro (Guanda), Diario dell'occhio (Le Lettere) by Marco Belpoliti
with the participation of the author, Mario Barenghi, Claudio Bartocci, Gianni Canova, Stefano Chiodi, Vanni Codeluppi, Andrea Cortellessa, Luigi de Angelis (F&A), Giuseppe Di Napoli, Elio Grazioli, Chiara Lagani (F&A), Italo Lupi, Stefano Salis, Giulia Niccolai, Guido Scarabottolo, with the coordination of Silvana Annicchiarico
Milano, 16 December 2008, Teatro Agorà, La Triennale di Milano
workshop held by Chiara Lagani and Luigi de Angelis (F&A)
Stockholm (Sweden), 9, 10, 11, 12 December 2008, Dramatiska Institutet, Perfect Performance
presentation of the book Viaggio nel Teatro di Thierry Salmon. Attraverso i demoni di Fëdor Dostoevskij (Ubulibri)
meeting with the author Renata Molinari, with the participation of Chiara Lagani and Luigi de Angelis (F&A), Lorenzo Bazzocchi (Masque Teatro)
Ravenna, 3 December 2008, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro
workshop for actresses held by Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Ravenna, 21, 22, 23 and 28, 29, 30 November 2008
Confronti creativi. Il nuovo teatro italiano
national convention, with the participation of Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Scandicci (Firenze), 14 November 2008, Gingerzone, Zoomteatro 2008
Meeting with the students
with the participation of Chiara Lagani (F&A) and the coordination of Laura Gemini
Urbino, 29 October 2008, LaRiCA - Lab. di Ricerca sulla Comunicazione Avanzata, Istituto di Comunicazione e Spettacolo, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo"
presentation of books at the Restaurant LE QUINTE, inside Teatro Out Off:
"Le foto di Moro" by Marco Belpoliti (Ed. Nottetempo, 2008)
meeting with the author, with the participation of Fanny & Alexander
"All'ordine del giorno è il terrore" by Daniele Giglioli (Ed. Bompiani, 2007)
meeting with the author, with the participation of Fanny & Alexander
"6 SETT.2007" by Fanny & Alexander and Monica Bolzoni (Ed. Il Vicolo, 2008)
meeting with the authors and the publisher Marisa Zattini
Milano, 22, 25, 26 October 2008, Teatro Out Off
Torneo di giochi di parole (Tournament of word-plays)
The audience is invited to take part in a proper tournament of word-plays, with a winner and a prize. The participants will have the opportunity to travel through the imaginary lands hidden in the pages of literature, in the labyrints of possible and impossible languages, in verbal and optical illusions, rebuses, anagrams, charades, riddles and competitions. The tournament is held by Stefano Bartezzaghi, Antonella Sbrilli, Claudia Matera and Chiara Lagani (F&A), with the cooperation of Rodolfo Sacchettini.
11 October: Bricolart
(Brick of art)
12 October: ALFAVITA!
Utopic, impossible, imaginary languages
Urbino, 11, 12 October 2008, Collegio Raffaello, paroleingioco - "Per dare la parola all'utopia", Codice. Idee per la cultura
A Shakespeare Theatre Conference
Session 3: Shakespeare - Some examples of a contemporary approach to his texts
A meeting with Chiara Lagani and Luigi de Angelis (F&A) and Fiorenza Menni and Pietro Babina (Teatrino Clandestino), with the coordination of Andrea Alessandro La Bozzetta
Stavanger (Norway), 11 September 2008, Rogaland Teater, Stavanger2008
Museo Kansas (Kansas Museum)
giving eyes to the storm: the museum of Dorotea Tempesta
With interventions by Antonella Sbrilli (art historian and curator of the collection of "Museo Kansas"), Fanny & Alexander, Serena Terranova (theatre critic, Altre Velocità)
Dro (Trento), 27 July 2008, Parco della Centrale Fies, Drodesera FIES
Se non la realtà (If not reality)
Meeting with Fanny & Alexander,
with the coordination of Adele Cacciagrano and Piersandra Di Matteo
Bologna, 24 April 2008, Laboratori DMS, Università di Bologna - La Soffitta
Who can catch a liar?
inquiry on real experience and suffragan experience in the creation and fruition of theatre works, held by Adele Cacciagrano, Piersandra di Matteo and Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Bologna, 21, 23, 24 April 2008, Laboratori DMS, Università di Bologna - La Soffitta
Theatre and fashion design in K.313: terror makes the scene and walks the line of metaphoric clothes
With interventions by Chiara Lagani (F&A), Monica Bolzoni (Bianca e Blu Moda Designer), Marco Cavalcoli (F&A). With the coordination of Vittoria C. Caratozzolo (teacher of the course Cultures of Fashion, Dipartimento di Arti e Scienze dello Spettacolo, Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche, Sapienza Università di Roma).
Roma, 17 April 2008, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Sapienza Università di Roma
Meeting with Valentina Ciampi (F&A)
Frascati (Roma), 4 April 2008, Diari di scena - finestra sulle realtà teatrali contemporanee, Semintesta
Atlante dello Sconcerto (the Atlas of Disconcert)
Musical traditions and theory of teoria simulacra at the origin of cyclone Dorothy
With interventions by Luigi de Angelis (F&A), Franco Masotti (musicologist), Giordano Montecchi (music critic and musicologist), Victor Stoichita (art historian). With the coordination of Chiara Lagani (F&A) and the participation of the artists of the show Dorothy. Disconcert for Oz by Fanny & Alexander
Ravenna, 1 April 2008, Sala Muratori della Biblioteca Classense, Istituzione Biblioteca Classense, with the cooperation of Ravenna Teatro
Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani present "The wonderful wizard of Oz" by Lyman Frank Baum, with the coordination of Letizia Magnani
Ravenna, 28 March 2008, Amata Lettura, Mama's Club
T. Alfavita (Testimonianza Attiva)
workshop for witnesses and actors held by Lorenzo Donati and Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Ravenna, 15-17 February 2008, NOBODADDY, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Altre Velocità
For an Atlas of images. Fanny & Alexander and the Warburg method
intervention by Chiara Lagani (F&A) (afternoon session, 7 February 2008)
Venezia, 7 and 8 February 2008, Fondazione Querini Stampalla, Luminar7. Internet e umanesimo - Teatri antichi e moderni. Archeologia, architettura, web, Università IUAV di Venezia, engramma
OZ-ALFAVITA. R (Realismo)
workshop held by Chiara Lagani
project conceived for Scuola Holden
with the cooperation of Festival delle Colline Torinesi
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Torino, 24-27 January 2008, Scuola Holden
OZ-ALFAVITA. M (Mimicry)
workshop for actors held by Marco Cavalcoli and Chiara Lagani
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Roma, 18-20 January 2008, Teatro Vascello
Il rumore delle immagini (The noise of images)
dialogue between Lorenzo Donati and Rodolfo Sacchettini starting from the icons of the shows Him and K.313
Ravenna, 8 December 2007, Teatro Rasi, NOBODADDY, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, with the contribution of Enipower
Meeting with Valentina Ciampi (F&A)
Genova, 8 December 2007, Salone del Minor Consiglio del Palazzo Ducale, digifestival 07 – tecnologia e teatro, teatrodelsuono
OZ-ALFAVITA O. - "A heart, a brain, a home, the nerve"
workshop for actors held by Chiara Lagani (F&A) and Fiorenza Menni (Teatrino Clandestino)
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Mondaino (Rimini), Teatro Dimora, l'arboreto, 2-4 November 2007
Flying Circus Project 2007: TRAVELOGUE
100 Perfect Hours in the casual company of international artists
with the partecipation of Luigi de Angelis and Marco Cavalcoli (F&A)
Singapore (Singapore) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), TheatreWorks, 31 October-9 November 2007
Spettatori a confronto
a meeting with Cristina Gualandi and Andrea Nanni, with the partecipation of Chiara Lagani (F&A)
Ferrara, Centro Teatro Universitario, Fare lo spettatore: laboratorio di esperienza teatrale, Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, 16 October 2007
Torneo di giochi di parole
by Stefano Bartezzaghi, Chiara Lagani (F&A), Antonella Sbrilli
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
including (14 October 2007):
inquiry in form of game on the 4 cardinal points by Chiara Lagani
Urbino (Pesaro-Urbino), Cortile di Collegio Raffaello, paroleingioco, Codice. Idee per la cultura, 12-14 October 2007
From O to Z!
an itinerary through video, meetings and images
27 September 2007
videos by Zapruder Filmmakersgroup
meeting with the authors
4 October 2007
videos by Fanny & Alexander
meeting with the authors
from 27 September to 14 October
exhibition of images by Enrico Fedrigoli, Fanny & Alexander, Zapruder Filmmakersgroup
Ferrara, Circolo Arci Zuni
OZ-ALFAVITA C. (Coraggio)
workshop for actors held by Chiara Lagani
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Roma, rialtosantambrogio, 21-23 September 2007
materia tempo
a conversation with Silvia Rampelli, Masque Teatro, Dalija Acin, Fanny & Alexander, Stefano Gattelli, Anton Roca, Rocco Ronchi, Enrico Pitozzi
Forlì, Ex-Filanda, Crisalide the problem of increasing human energy - I would prefer not to, Masque Teatro, 15 September 2007
Dei "taciti furori": il Breve canzoniere di Tommaso Landolfi
with the partecipation of Idolina Landolfi, Rodolfo Sacchettini, Fanny & Alexander
coordinator: Luca Scarlini
with the presentation of:
K. 313
reading from "Breve canzoniere" by Tommaso Landolfi
Mantova, Festivaletteratura, 6 September 2007
Rebus per Ada
by Fanny & Alexander and Zapruder Filmmakersgroup
a 28-pages text and a dvd
ideation: Chiara Lagani e Luigi de Angelis
direction: Luigi de Angelis
dramaturgy: Chiara Lagani
photography: Monaldo Moretti, David Zamagni
filming and editing: David Zamagni, Nadia Ranocchi
dvd design: David Zamagni
sound remix: Luigi de Angelis
puzzle consultant: Stefano Bartezzaghi
with Paola Baldini, Marco Cavalcoli, Chiara Lagani, Sara Masotti, Francesca Mazza and with Luigi de Angelis and Nina Muffolini
sound devices: Mirto Baliani
piano: Matteo Ramon Arevalos
flute: Filippo Mazzoli
ondes Martenot: Bruno Perrault
with texts by Stefano Bartezzaghi, Chiara Lagani, Rodolfo Sacchettini, Nadia Ranocchi, Antonella Sbrilli
sound recordings by Gianluca Lo Presti at Lotostudio in Filetto and by Luigi de Angelis at A.p.A.I. - Casa dell'Arte, Ravenna
Fanny & Alexander's works inspired by Ada, a family chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov, translated in Italian by Margherita Crepax, are used in accordance with Adelphi Edizioni, Milano and The Vladimir Nabokov Estate. All rights reserved.
The rebuses Protesta ingiusta and Bambole manierose by Piero Bartezzaghi are used by the kind permission of La Settimana Enigmistica - all rights reserved. The other rebuses are by Stefano Bartezzaghi.
Luca Sossella Editore, Roma, June 2007
"Le piccole apocalissi di Tommaso Landolfi"
("The small apocalypses of Tommaso Landolfi")
with the partecipation of Idolina Landolfi (daughter of the author and editor of all his works), Caterina Marrone (scholar of philosophy of language), Rodolfo Sacchettini (theatre critic), Cristina Terrile (italianist), Fanny & Alexander
Ravenna, Ravenna Festival, Sala Rossa del Teatro Rasi, 26 June 2007
J. ALFAVITA (Dialogo)
workshop for actors held by Marco Cavalcoli and Chiara Lagani
with the partecipation of Rodolfo Sacchettini
with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
Ravenna, NOBODADDY, Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, 27-29 April 2007
workshop for enigmatists and actors held by Stefano Bartezzaghi and Chiara Lagani
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Montefano (Macerata), Teatro La Rondinella, 14 and 15 April 2007
OZ - ALFAVITA I. (Vizi e Virtù)
workshop for actors held by Chiara Lagani
wih the contribution of POGAS - Politiche Giovanili e Attività Sportive
Milano, Campo Teatrale, 31 March and 1 April 2007
(Heliogabalus, the adolescent in power)
from the project Heliogabalus
h. 10-13: Between myth and history
Livia Zaccagnini (President of Istituzione Biblioteca Classense), Tommaso Gnoli (scholar of Roman history), Francesco Citti (Latinist), Andrea Piras (Iranist), Andrea Gariboldi (numismatist); coordinator: Tommaso Gnoli
h. 15-18: Epifania della figura
Luigi de Angelis (Fanny & Alexander), Florence de Meredieu (philosopher of art), Elisabetta Gulli Grigioni (anthropologist of image), Rodolfo Sacchettini (theatre critic); coordinator: Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander)
Ravenna, Fanny & Alexander, Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Istituzione Biblioteca Classense, Fondazione Flaminia, with the cooperation of Associazione Culturale Italia-Francia and Teatro delle Albe-Ravenna Teatro, Sala Muratori della Biblioteca Classense, 3 February 2007
Il cinema che ci manca
public meeting on the role of cinema and theatre in the contemporary artistic and social landscape
with interventions by Motus, Teatrino Clandestino and Fanny & Alexander
coordinator: Goffredo Fofi
afetr the meeting, Fanny & Alexander presents the DVD Rebus per Ada - Film-gioco tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale Ardis II (Luca Sossella Editore)
Milano, Festa del Teatro - Teatri Aperti, Il teatro e il suo doppio (managed by the magazine Brancaleone), Spazio Oberdan, 29 October 2006
OZ - ALFAVITA L. (First hypothesis in P. language on Vices and Virtues)
workshop on dramaturgy held by Chiara Lagani and Luigi de Angelis
with the partecipation of Margherita Crepax, Rodolfo Sacchettini, Paolo Castelli
with thanks to Antonella Sbrilli
Torino, Scuola Holden, 25-29 September and 23-26 October 2006, 9 January 2007
Rebus per Ada - Movie-game from the theatre show Ardis II
Fanny & Alexander presents the DVD "Rebus per Ada - Film-gioco tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale Ardis II" (Luca Sossella Editore)
Modena, VIE Scena Contemporanea Festival, Emilia Romagna Teatro, Sala Truffaut, 21 October 2006
OZ - ALFAVITA K. (Kansas)
workshop for actors held by Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander) and Fiorenza Menni (Teatrino Clandestino)
Mondaino (Rimini), l'arboreto, 6-8 October 2006
Torneo di giochi di parole
managed by Stefano Bartezzaghi, Fanny & Alexander, Antonella Sbrilli
"Incontri con la sfinge", "Il gioco dei giorni narrati", "Il crittogramma"
Urbino, Parole in gioco, Cortile di Collegio Raffaello, 6-8 October 2006
Ada. Romanzo teatrale per enigmi in sette dimore liberamente tratto da Vladimir Nabokov
conception and graphic project by Luigi de Angelis, Chiara Lagani, Antonio Rinaldi with the cooperation of Rodolfo Sacchettini
editorial management by Cristina Ventrucci
introduction by Cristina Ventrucci
essays by Chiara Alessi, Stefano Bartezzaghi, Marco Belpoliti, Margherita Crepax, Marina Grishakova, Rodolfo Sacchettini, Antonella Sbrilli, Luca Scarlini, Maria Sebregondi
photographs by Enrico Fedrigoli
with the support of Torino Capitale Mondiale del Libro con Roma, with the cooperation of Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Fanny & Alexander's works inspired by the novel Ada or ardor by Vladimir Nabokov, translated in Italian by Margherita Crepax, are published in accordance with Adelphi Edizioni, Milano, and The Vladimir Nabokov Estate. All rights reserved.
The rebuses Protesta ingiusta, Bambole manierose and Audace scenetta, by Piero Bartezzaghi, are used by the kind permission of La Settimana Enigmistica - all rights reserved. The other rebuses are by Stefano Bartezzaghi.
Ubulibri, Milano, October 2006
Rebus per Ada - Movie-game from the theatre show Ardis II
Fanny & Alexander presents the DVD "Rebus per Ada - Film-gioco tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale Ardis II" (Luca Sossella Editore)
Savona, Prototipo Priamar - Festival dei Laboratori Teatrali - Video in Scena, Associazione Culturale Après la nuit, Fortezza Monumentale del Priamar, 25 August 2006
Personalphilologistdramatic lectures with implications
managed by archaeologist Oflodor Inittehccas
by Rodolfo Sacchettini, with the partecipation of Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani
(on the great mystery of figures in Heliogabalus' story)
The personalphilologistdramatic lectures with implications (the title is a further homage to Tommaso Landolfi, in relation to the well-known "Personalphilologistdramatic lecture with implications") are brief presentations of material or findings about the Homo Vario.
Dro (Trento), Drodesera>Centrale Fies, 22 July 2006
Rebus per Ada - Movie-game from the theatre show Ardis II
Fanny & Alexander presents the DVD "Rebus per Ada - Film-gioco tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale Ardis II" (Luca Sossella Editore)
Pelago (Firenze), Indiscipline, Fondazione Lanfranco Baldi, 6 July 2006
La Paura Preferita
Luca Scarlini presents his book "La paura preferita. Islam: fascino e minaccia nella cultura italiana" (Bruno Mondadori Editore), with the partecipation of Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander)
managed by Fanny & Alexander and Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Centro Relazioni Culturali
Ravenna, "NOBODADDY", Sala D'Attorre di Casa Melandri, 26 May 2006
Rebus per Ada - Movie-game from the theatre show Ardis II
Fanny & Alexander presents the DVD "Rebus per Ada - Film-gioco tratto dallo spettacolo teatrale Ardis II" (Luca Sossella Editore)
managed by Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
with interventions by Simonetta Lux, Luca Sossella, Stefano Bartezzaghi, Fanny & Alexander
coordinator: Antonella Sbrilli
Roma, letture attive-active lectures n. 20, Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, 25 May 2006
Pinocchio by Carmelo Bene
Luca Sossella presents "Pinocchio" by Carmelo Bene (Luca Sossella editore)
managed by Fanny & Alexander and Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Centro Relazioni Culturali
Ravenna, "NOBODADDY", Sala D'Attorre di Casa Melandri, 14 April 2006
workshop on the ruins in art
managed by Fondazione RavennAntica, Ass. Cult. Italia-Francia, Ravenna Teatro, Fanny & Alexander, with the patronage of Comune di Ravenna
lectures by Andrea Augenti (archaelogist), Luca Doninelli (writer), Elio Grazioli (contemporary art critic), Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander), Roberto Magnani and Cinzia Dezi (Ravenna Teatro)
coordinator: Rodolfo Sacchettini (theatre critic)
Ravenna, Sala Corelli - Teatro Alighieri, 6 April 2006
Le lingue utopiche
Caterina Marrone presents her book "Le lingue utopiche" (Stampa Alternativa & Graffiti), with the participation of Chiara Lagani (Fanny & Alexander)
managed by Fanny & Alexander and Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Centro Relazioni Culturali
Ravenna, "NOBODADDY", Sala D'Attorre di Casa Melandri, 31 March 2006
F. ALFAVITA (The Impossible Languages)
workshop held by Chiara Lagani and Rodolfo Sacchettini
with the cooperation of Caterina Marrone
Ravenna, MAR - Museo d'Arte della Città di Ravenna, 29 March-1 April 2006
Dacia Maraini presents her book "Colomba", coordinator Nico Garrone (theatre critic)
managed by Fanny & Alexander and Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Centro Relazioni Culturali
Ravenna, "NOBODADDY", Sala D'Attorre di Casa Melandri, 17 March 2006
La macchi(n)a dei sensi
public meeting with Antonella Sbrilli, historian of art, teacher at Università La Sapienza in Roma
with interventions by Chiara Alessi, Rossella Bonito Oliva (teacher at Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale), Fanny & Alexander, Lorenzo Mango (teacher at Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale)
Napoli, Galleria Toledo, 2 March 2006
G. ALFAVITA (The Synaesthesia)
workshop held by Chiara Alessi, Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani
Napoli, Galleria Toledo, 27 February-2 March 2006
Personalphilologistdramatic lectures with implications
managed by archaeologist Oflodor Inittehccas
The personalphilologistdramatic lectures with implications (the title is a further homage to Tommaso Landolfi, in relation to the well-known "Personalphilologistdramatic lecture with implications") are brief presentations of material or findings about the Homo Vario.
Leuven (Belgium), STUK Kunstencentrum, 8 February 2006
E. ALFAVITA (Impossible Languages)
workshop held by Chiara Lagani and Rodolfo Sacchettini
managed by Maarten De Pourcq and Fanny & Alexander
Leuven (Belgium), STUK Kunstencentrum, 7-10 December 2005
Keizer Heliogabalus - Een vreemde danser in Rome
Emperor Heliogabalus – A foreign dancer in Rome
Meeting and lectures supported by Kunstencentrum Stuk, the Department of Classical Studies and THIASOS: ruimte voor Griekse cultuur of the Catholic University in Leuven
lectures by Martijn Icks, Johan Van Heesch, Caroline De Westenholz, Erwin Jans, Fanny & Alexander, Luc Van Der Stockt
Leuven (Belgium), Cinema ZED, 11 October 2005
A. ALFAVITA (The Translations)
workshop held by Margherita Crepax, Chiara Lagani and Francesca Mazza
Mondaino (RN), L'Arboreto di Mondaino, 23-25 September 2005
A game we play: a match with Nabokov
lecture with Stefano Bartezzaghi, Margherita Crepax, Chiara Lagani, Luca Scarlini, Maria Sebregondi
Mantova, "Festivaletteratura 2005", Teatro Bibiena, 10 September 2005
B. ALFAVITA (The Scoring)
workshop held by Luigi de Angelis, Marco Cavalcoli and Chiara Lagani, piano Matteo Ramon Arevalos
Savona, "Prototipo Priamar - Festival dei Laboratori Teatrali, Associazione Culturale Après la Nuit", Fortezza Monumentale del Priamar, 25-29 August 2005
workshop on the work of art enigma held by Rodolfo Sacchettini and Chiara Lagani
Volterra (Pisa), "Volterrateatro", 25 - 27 July 2005
a family chronicle
workshop on the rebus and its dramaturgical role
held by Stefano Bartezzaghi and Chiara Lagani
Ravenna, "Ravenna Festival - Botteghe del Teatro", Town's Art Museum,
22 and 23 June 2004
Ravenna viso-in-aria
pictures by Enrico Fedrigoli
edited by Luigi de Angelis and Marco Martinelli
texts by Marco Martinelli, Claudio Spadoni, Cristina Ventrucci, Luigi
de Angelis
conversations with Cristina Mazzavillani Muti and Enrico Fedrigoli
Angelo Longo Editore, Ravenna, June 2003
Interzona in collaboration with Fanny & Alexander, Gruppo di lavoro
Masque Teatro, Motus, Teatrino Clandestino and The Venice Biennale - Settore
coordination: Egizia Lunari
banquet: Ivan Fantini
Verona, Interzona - ex Magazzini Generali, 7 - 10 October 1999
Nel Tempio d'Amore
(In the Temple of Love)
meeting by Fanny & Alexander and Stefano Tomassini
with the participation of Motus, Masque Teatro and Teatrino Clandestino
Cervia (RA), Teatro Comunale, 28 May 1999
festival by I.V.A.N. (Pietro Babina, Francesco Borghesi, Alberto Bucci,
Marco Cavalcoli, Sara Circassia, Stefano Cortesi, Chiara Lagani, Manuel
Marcuccio, Fiorenza Menni, Luigi T.M. Noah-de Angelis, Cristina Ventrucci)
Tredozio (FC), August 1995 |