O - Z | |||||||||
WEST | |||||||||
Ubu Award 2010 for the best leading actress to Francesca Mazza | |||||||||
Audience Award 2010-2011 - Teatri di Vita | |||||||||
production Fanny & Alexander, Festival delle Colline Torinesi concept Luigi de Angelis and Chiara Lagani with Francesca Mazza scenery and technical realization Nicola Fagnani (Atelier OperaOvunque) with Giovanni Cavalcoli and Simonetta Venturini |
“West” is the outermost cardinal point in the story of the Wizard of Oz. The audience will be “imprisoned” together with Dorothy by a strange kind of spell, a trap of language which at times stops the faculty to express an opinion, the possibility to make a choice, to say yes or no to the things that will be proposed here. The work, centred on the techniques of subtle manipulation of the advertising language, will intersect mythical themes to themes connected to contemporaneity, chronicle and the great emblems of the West. Here the audience are consumers, the objects of continuous stimuli and the subtle plot of a concealed persuasion unceasingly weaved against them, the prisoners and, at the very same time, the ones capable of unhinging the cage in which they were dropped: carefully going down into the deep well where the trick of the “witch”, the sophisticated techniques of mass media communication precipitate, means undertaking the ascent and, at the very same time, taking the risk of not coming back. “West” will be a sort of contradictory parable, a metaphor of contemporary imagery and its drifts, of the power that images exercise on us. In the background the West and its symbols, and the tortured and yet incredibly “normal” body of our society. |
Tournée | Gallery | Movies | Essays on criticism O - Z NORTH | Kansas Museum | SOUTH | There's no place like home | EAST | Emerald City | KANSAS | HIM | Dorothy. Disconcert for Oz |