In 2011 Sulfur Radio, by means of the program “Exercises of Admiration” specifically conceived for the SMS events, presents some editorial practices, some possible models of poetical, aesthetical, ethical action, ranging among different artistic disciplines. Every event includes the presentation of a book and a magazine, involving the authors and inviting them in Ravenna.
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
SULFUR RADIO, Exercises of Admiration
by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Caterina Marrone, Pietro Babina and Flavio de Marco (h. 20)
live music by Enrico Farnedi
Ravenna, 22 January 2011, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
dj set by Dust (Fanny & Alexander) + guests
Roma, 5 February 2011, Angelo Mai - Altrove, Angelo Mai
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
SULFUR RADIO, Exercises of Admiration
by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Marco Belpoliti and Laminarie (h. 20)
live music by Comaneci
Krank by Pardès rimonim (h. 22)
Ravenna, 4 March 2011, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna
SMS - Sulfur Magnetic Sound
SULFUR RADIO, Exercises of Admiration
by Altre Velocità and Fanny & Alexander
with Stefano Bartezzaghi and Jonny Costantino (h. 20)
live music by Sybiann
EP_LIVE, words/arms by Majakovskij, a project by KomaKino (h. 22)
Ravenna, 16 April 2011, Artificerie Almagià, Nobodaddy 2010/2011, Teatro delle Albe - Ravenna Teatro, with the cooperation of Comune di Ravenna - Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna |